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11 Ciri-ciri Penyakit Jantung Yang Harus Anda Waspadai
Penyakit jantung bisa menyerang siapa saja bahkan gejalanya kadang tidak jelas dan tidak selalu ditandai dengan nyeri dada lalu pingsan seperti di film-film. Penyakit jantung adalah kondisi saat jantung bermasalah atau mengalami gangguan sehingga tidak berfungsi. Penyakit jantung bermacam-macam jenisnya namun kebanyakan memiliki ciri-ciri yang hampir sama. Anda perlu memeriksakannya ke dokter untuk mengetahui lebih […]
Ways to Prevent Heart Disease That You Can Really Practice Early!
Ways to Prevent Heart Disease That You Can Really Practice Early! – Who says that as teenagers, Soba and Sosa don’t need to worry about heart disease? However, heart disease knows no age, in fact many teenagers can also be at risk of even developing heart disease, you know. Don’t wait until you are an […]
DON’T WANT TO GET PREGNANT YET? THESE ARE 6 FOODS TO PREVENT PREGNANCY – Every newly married couple definitely has a very passionate romance with each other. Both the wife and the husband have such a high level of love that it is impossible to have sexual intercourse. However, certain conditions do not necessarily make […]
How to Treat Acne Correctly Medically
How to Treat Acne Correctly Medically – Knowing how to treat acne correctly according to medical recommendations will determine how quickly you will be free from acne. Mistakes in how to treat acne can cause the face to be full of pus, boils, blemishes or pockmarks and even serious infections that require hospital treatment. For […]
How to Effectively Cure Kidney Stones?
How to Effectively Cure Kidney Stones? – Jakarta – Kidney stones are a kidney disease that should not be underestimated. If left without treatment, kidney stones can have serious consequences, for example permanent kidney damage. Although the data has not been updated, according to the 201 Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) data from the Indonesian Ministry of Health (Kemenkes),  the prevalence […]
Lifestyle to Prevent Swollen Lymph Nodes
Lifestyle to Prevent Swollen Lymph Nodes – Jakarta – When facing an infection or disease, the lymph nodes accumulate debris, such as bacteria and dead or diseased cells. Swollen lymph nodes can actually be prevented with a certain lifestyle. One way to prevent lymph nodes is to regularly clean your teeth, gums and mouth. Lymph nodes store […]
What will be the impact on the body if you never eat meat?
What will be the impact on the body if you never eat meat? – Meat is one of the best sources of protein, fat, and vitamins and minerals for the body. However, quite a few people avoid consuming it because they think that a meat-free diet is healthier. However, what happens to your body if […]
This is what will happen to the body if we don't eat vegetables
This is what will happen to the body if we don’t eat vegetables – Vegetables are a food ingredient that has many benefits for the body. Apart from being rich in fiber, vegetables are also full of vitamins and antioxidants. But unfortunately, some people actually avoid eating vegetables, for reasons of negligence or because they […]
Mostly Drink Water, Know the Signs and Impact on Health
Mostly Drink Water, Know the Signs and Impact on Health – Drinking water does have many benefits, but drinking too much water actually has a bad impact on your health. To prevent this from happening, consume water according to your body’s needs. Water is the main component in the body. About 50–70% of the body […]
The Right Way to Treat a Painful Tailbone
The Right Way to Treat a Painful Tailbone – Jakarta – Tailbone pain or coccydynia is pain in and around the small triangular bone, at the very bottom of the spine. Precisely above the buttocks crack. Painful coccyx can be caused by trauma from a fall, prolonged sitting on a hard or narrow surface, degenerative […]

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